Gaines Ugboaja » Counseling Program

Counseling Program

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

united kids

School Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons

School Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons allow the School Counselor to work with a large group of students. School Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons can include whole-group instruction, discussion, working in groups, art activities, and role-playing. Topics covered in School Counseling core curriculum lessons include: character education, bullying prevention, social skills, career development, conflict resolution, self-control. Units are developed with a focus on the academic, personal/social, emotional, and career development of all students and are based on the needs of the students and teachers.


Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling is available for all students. Students can be referred by themselves, teachers, or parents. During individual counseling, students are empowered to create their own goals and to build on their strengths in order to make positive changes. Topics covered during individual counseling will vary based on the student's needs, but can include: anger management, conflict resolution, improving academic skills, coping with death, dealing with crisis situations.


Small Group Counseling

Small groups allow the School Counselor to work with four to six students on a specific topic. Groups are usually formed based on a need identified by students, teachers, or parents. Topics covered in group counseling can include: new student orientation, developing healthy friendships, cultural identity, and reducing test anxiety.



Confidentiality is an important part of the counseling process. Students are encouraged to share their conversations with the counselor with their families.



Responsive Services

Students, teachers, and parents are encouraged to contact the School Counselors with any questions or concerns they may have. Students may contact the School Counselor by notifying their classroom teacher. Teacher consultations can cover behavioral or academic concerns and goals, classroom interventions, behavior management, or personal/social needs of students. Parent consultations can focus upon concerns at school or home, parenting strategies, or developmental concerns.

counseling skills