Fallin Career & Technology Center Students take 2nd place in the State Technology Student Association (TSA) Competition

Tech Students

Front Row:  Shantel Berry, Kaneshia Jones, Morgan Banks, Laveria Green, Sponsor

Back Row:  Richard Bellar; Sponsor, Zachary Barnes, Markell White, Joshua Harvey, Lynneshia Cobb.

Mississippi TSA is the only career and technical student organization dedicated exclusively to students enrolled in middle and high school technology education courses. ississippi has 81 chapters with over 2500 students and advisors as members. Students who are enrolled in Digital Media Technology, Information Communication Technology I (ICT I), Information Communication Technology II (ICT II), Information Technology (IT), Polymer Science, Robotics and Engineering, Simulation and Animation (SAD), STEM and Technology Foundations are the driving force behind Mississippi’s success in this national organization.
Source http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/OCTE/SO/technology-student-association-

