Child Find
The Natchez-Adams School District is participating in an ongoing statewide effort to identify, locate and evaluate children birth through the age of twenty-one, who may have a physical, mental communicative and/or emotional disability. We are requesting that personnel in your agency refer individuals twenty-one years of age or under who may have a disability to Kishara T. Wiley Bassett, Interim Special Services Director.
Once a referral is made, it is the responsibility of the Child Find Person to insure that the Referral-To-Placement process is implemented. The Child Find Person works with the Local Survey Committees at each school to implement this process.
Prior to evaluation, Notice of Committee Meetings for Initial Evaluation as well as a copy of the Procedural Safeguards is given to parents. District personnel explain the Procedural Safeguards and insure that they understand. After parental consent for testing is obtained, a nondiscriminatory evaluation is conducted. Students are evaluated by qualified personnel in all areas related to the suspected disability.
When a student, ages 3 through 21, is determined eligible to receive special education services, parents are notified. Before the student receives special education services, an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) is developed for the student, and parents sign consent for placement.
Parents, Teacher(s) and students, when appropriate, participate in this process. All students receiving special education services are reevaluated at least every three years, and their IEPs are reviewed/revised at least annually.
Please contact The Office of Special Services at the following address and telephone number if you know of any individuals who need to be referred for special services: Kishara T. Wiley Bassett, Interim Special Services Director